Copyleaks is another overrated AI detector. It is not that great and is extremely prone to false-positives.
Their homepage looks good and authoritative but as far as our internal assessment it regularly gets things wrong.
This is seriously annoying for those who don’t use any kind of AI assistance to write and still get flagged. They are funded too and seems like they have a whole team of employees working on it but it seems to be not working out for them.
Can Copyleaks detect Quillbot?
Despite being not a great AI detector, it still can easily detect Quillbot paraphrases.
Copyleaks is extremely accurate as well when it comes to detecting text paraphrased using Quillbot. It also seems resistant to multiple paraphrasing of the same text using different modes in Quillbot.
Why Quillbot’s paraphrasing falls flat in face of Copyleaks?
There are 3 simple reasons with regards to this issue.
1. Quillbot is not made for bypassing AI detectors: This is one reason that people simply miss out on. Nowhere, on their website or marketing material you would find them boasting about how they could beat AI detectors.
In fact, it is quite the opposite. They despise students using their tool for academic dishonesty. I read it somewhere in their About Us page or some other page, 4-5 years back. Don’t quote me on this but one thing is for sure that they don’t like students using their tool for nefarious reasons.
There is also this fact that they have launched their own AI detection tool which makes it abundantly clear that they don’t like any kind of academic dishonesty.
2. Quillbot is way too famous: If you closely look at Copyleaks website you would realize that they are a well-funded company. A simple Google search can also reveal more about their company.
So, my point is that they would have got to know about this famous paraphrasing tool called ‘Quillbot’. They also would have realized that people can use it to bypass their AI detectors. Therefore, they must have trained their machine learning models or algorithms to detect text paraphrased by Quillbot. It is extremely unlikely that they would miss out on that.
3. Quillbot outputs text with perfect grammar and punctuations: The thing is that most AI detectors have machine learning models trained on a huge dataset of text from all the famous LLMs (like ChatGPT, Claude, etc.). These LLMs write picture perfect English without messing up on grammar or punctuations.
Quillbot does the same. So, inadvertently these AI detectors are trained to detect text outputted by Quillbot.
Don’t get me wrong it is possible to write perfect English and not get detected, as it should be but, in our testing, we have seen people having impeccable writing skills getting flagged.
Also, don’t take this to the bank, this is one of my theories which I have found out with rigorous testing.
Is it possible to use Quillbot and not get detected by Copyleaks?
As things stand right now, it is unlikely that you will not get caught by Copyleaks by using Copyleaks.
Although, you could try your luck because nothing in the world of machine learning nothing is a 100%. You could get lucky and find some combination of Quillbot modes that you could use to avoid Copyleaks detection.
Please do it only if you are using it for legitimate purposes like if you want to improve the fluency of your text as a non-native speaker. We don’t promote any kind of academic dishonesty and don’t do it, as it may hurt your growth in future.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Can anything detect Quillbot?
Yes, almost all AI detectors under the Sun could detect Quillbot. Sure, sometimes some AI detectors could miss it but the overall view holds true. We have thoroughly checked it in our internal assessment and even the weakest AI detectors could detect it. Don’t use Quillbot for bypassing AI detectors.
Q2. Is Copyleaks better than Turnitin?
No, in our testing we find Turnitin to be better simply because it is not prone to giving out a lot of false-positives.
Turnitin is also not that great but it is better than Copyleaks.
Q3. Does Copyleaks give false positives?
Yes, just like any other AI detector Copyleaks also gives out a lot of false-positives.
If you are someone who was flagged by Copyleaks even if you wrote the content entirely by yourself then you could either rewrite it manually or use our tool to help you out.
Q4. Is Grammarly detected by CopyLeaks?
Yes, using Grammarly will most likely get you flagged by Copyleaks. However, this isn’t any rule and you might find exceptions here and there but mostly you would get caught.
Grammarly uses machine learning models to correct grammar, and improve fluency so it is expected that it will get flagged.
The Bottom Line
AI detection is still in it’s early stages and things will improve in the future but for now they are riddled with false-positives. Copyleaks is no exception to it and they are also known to give out a lot of false-positives.
However, in the case of Quillbot they are mostly accurate, rightly so because Quillbot uses machine learning models to paraphrase and that too it outputs perfect grammar and syntax. It is not a surprise that it will get caught.
Don’t use Quillbot if you want to avoid getting flagged by Copyleaks. Quillbot was never meant to do this for you.